Scott William Archer
Accredited Teacher, Medium, Clairvoyant, Trance Medium, Reiki Master, Spiritualist Reverend & Minister, Spiritual Healer, Platform Medium, and Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator.
Connecting with his team of Spiritual Guides, Scott uses a combination of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and claircognizance, tarot, psychometry and mediumship to bring forth messages of guidance, inspiration and healing.

Rebirthing Breathwork, or Conscious Connected Breathing, is a process of releasing energy blocks stored in the mind and body. It is a powerful experiential tool accessing your own inner healer and can greatly intensify the transformational process. The process of deep core breathing and chakra attuned music allows you to embark on a journey into the soul, which can bring up intense emotions and strong physical experiences.
When stimulated through Breathwork, the mind and body enter into a deep state of calm which elicits an altered state of consciousness. Through this altered state we are able to access repressed emotions, memories and trauma from the past that are stored in the subconscious mind and bring them to the surface to be expressed and cleared out. People sometimes think that Rebirthing Breathwork is hyperventilation, but this isn’t the case. When you hyperventilate, you breathe very fast and end up exhaling more than you inhale. You do not do this in Breathwork.
Scott personally discovered Rebirthing over 30 years ago back in the early 1990's and committed to weekly sessions with some brilliant Rebirth Facilitators for many years.
"It was an incredibly transformational time in my life, and I have returned to this incredible healing modality in recent years. I truly believe it is one of the most empowering and transformative healing tools.... a gift we can give ourselves in this erratic and sometimes confusing and challenging world."
I am honoured and humbled to have completed my Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator Training with the incomparable Kristine Conroy of Shamanic Transcendence on Queensland's beautiful Gold Coast, who was personally trained by Leonard Orr himself and many other incredible Shamanic and Breathwork Healers.
“Holding space for someone to facilitate their own healing is the ultimate gift”
- Scott William Archer -